Blanco Bungalow

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My Yardzen Round 2 Designs are Here: The Blanco Bungalow is Getting a Major Glow up!

Paid partnership with Yardzen, all opinions are 100% my own.

I know you’ve been patiently awaiting the reveal of the Yardzen designs for our property, and the wait is over! After seeing the first designs, I decided to say screw the budget, let’s really see the full potential of our property with all of our wish list items. I also decided to take advantage of their new windows and doors package.

These are the second round of designs, and besides a little feedback here and there, I can fully say that I’m obsessed!

I really wanted an enclosed front yard with privacy. It’s tricky because our houses are so close together, and the edge our property line is literally the edge of our driveway. So if we put in a fully enclosed fence (including the driveway), you couldn’t open your card door. So they proposed to add a fence (and omit the driveway), but bump it back a few feet so we can still open our car doors - which I’m loving! I’m contemplating if we should make it an all stucco fence though, or just stucco on the bottom and a horizontal fence topper above. Or do you like the fence as is? Idk I’m on the fence, lol.

I’m loving this too! Maybe add a few more plants or big cacti because it’s a bit too stark for me, but I’m really liking having a seating area out front and getting rid of the garden beds. I’ve always said that when we own our first home, we are going to utilize every square inch of the property, and I couldn’t stand the front yard not being used. Creating a sitting area out here is such a better use of this space!

Loving the giant cacti.

I love the cactus and the succulents, not so sure about the tree and the evergreen looking shrubs. Thoughts?

Again, not loving the shrubs so much. But loving everything else!

Should we do something in the center here? Like another fire pit or a dining table, or bigger paved seating area?

Love the fence post cactus and the palm trees. And I like how they kept the podocarpus by the back windows because those are our bedroom windows and I want full privacy.

And here’s the big question…. Bamboo or no Bamboo?? I’m personally obsessed with the look. My concern is mess, rats and spreading… Any thoughts? I just think Bamboo is so beautiful and modern, but I don’t want to get myself into any trouble down the road.

And YES! Loving this glow up with fresh doors on the garage.

This is pretty similar to what we have going on now, but I was thinking big doors on the garage might be nicer than a garage door, like big wood framed foldaway or gliding doors.

And I love having larger doors where our tiny door was before, just not sure if this can happen with the current interior layout, but I desperately want to create more of an indoor/outdoor vibe so I think this has to happen. Otherwise you’ll continue to walk through our laundry room to get to the backyard, and that’s no bueno.

This is where I get excited. A pool!!! I know we literally just put down turf, but my plan is to execute the designs in stages, so the pool would be like stage four or five. O M G!!!! #GOALS

And I love having big open doors on this side, probably just switch them to sliders for walkability, its a tight walkway by the dining table.

Is this even our backyard? Love, Love, Love!

Loving this view!

I could hang out here all damn day.

And now for more exciting things…. My dream is to create a little Airstream zone, complete with an outdoor shower, modern wood deck, and sliding gate. And BAM! Hit the nail right on the head!

Yarzen executed my vision to a T! My only concern again is the Bamboo, even though I requested it. I’m obsessed with the aesthetic of bamboo, but I’ve heard so many horror stories, so we’ll see on that. But how rad is Goldie’s new little setup!?

Here I’d just say to nix the shrubs and tree, and choose another option, but love everything else.

And the firepit got a major glow up.

And we’d have to do a fence topper on the far wall if we take out the podocarpus, because our fences are so low and we have big apartment buildings behind us looking down into our backyard.

This is all so stunning.

And I love the night views.

One of the great things about Yardzen is they give you a full breakdown of all the plants, materials and decor used in their design and connect you with reputable contractors in your area to bring their designs to life. Finding the right people I swear is the hardest and part in any stage of home renovation. So I love that they eliminate the guess work for you.

Alright, so what do you think? I’m dying to hear your thoughts. Overall I’m obsessed with this design, only a few tweaks here and there.

I can still submit feedback, so please don’t be shy, comment below, I’d love to hear your opinions!